To stay in Korea you must apply for your alien registration card, so that is what we set out to do today. I was dreading it, as everybody knows how the Canadian system is, and not speaking the language i really thought this was going to be very painful. To my surprise the entire ordeal was over in less than half and hour!! It cost 50,000 won, which i should get half back under my insurance. Once i paid, up a flight of stairs, pee in cup, get blood taken, then a chest xray- 5miniutes total. Then go outside to the Dept. of Health building, height and weight, eyes and hearing test and finally blood pressure, DONE. I was so surprised. It took us longer to get there.
Luckily we were now only a few subway stops away from the Famous Fish Market (Jagalchi) and the Foreigner Market. The fish market was huge. A person could find anything they could ever need relating to the fishing industry. At the market is also the port for the fishing boats and i think some ferries leave from here as well. It was neat to see, never been to a port before.
The foreign market wasn't really anything spectacular. There was all of the name brands clothes like puma, patagonia, north face and such. But in the area that we live in we can get that stuff, and it is not over an hour subway ride away. I was hoping to find jewelry making supplies, but no such luck.
On the subway ride home a little girl plopped beside and stared at me. i could tell, so i looked at her and of course she pointed at my nose ring wondering what the heck is that?! It is very uncommon here as well as tattoos, so it is not the first time that i was asked questions about it. So she continued to stare for a long time, then she gave Mark and I a vitamin C tablet? There seems to be no shortage of vitamin c in these parts, not really sure why.
So that was our saturday, i am not sure what we will do tomorrow, probably go to the beach as we haven't been there for a while.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Week Two
Well i had a case of the Mondays yesterday. My day was fine and then i came to work and everything seemed to be off. I got my first goose. This is a friendly gesture in Korea that is done between friends. However i think the kid new that foreigners do not like it. I was standing over another kid, a little bent over, helping him read, and along comes another kid who sticks his finger in my buttt!! Yes i turned around and glared and made sure that he wasn't going to move again for the rest of the class. I had been a little prepared because i had heard of this before my arrival. I just didn't think it was going to happen so soon!
The kids on Mondays always seem to have more energy then they know what to do with, so i have found them difficult.
We met a bunch of expats on Sunday, it was fun. We took a long subway ride, followed by a crazy bus ride in the hills, hairpin turns included, to Kosin University. They were supposed to have a festival of lights, but because it rained that day, they cancelled the outdoor light show??? We were a little confused. So instead we went back to Michala's house and watched Christmas vacation and ate Dominos. It was really expensive and not that great. The veggie pizza was the best; mushrooms, broccoli... We ordered bulgogi which is apprently beef of some kind, but i missed out.
For Christmas day we are going to join a number of other expats for dinner. They have arranged for a turkey dinner with everything. I don't even feel that it is Christmas. In the Lonely Plant Christmas Day is when Grandfather Santa comes to bring you presents!! i like that idea, however Mark and I haven't even thought about it. Since we are still in moving expense mode, i doubt that we will splurge, but we can't complain we are in a tropical paradise compared to you folks... We are having a gift exchange at the potluck. I bet it is going to be funny. There will be many gifts whose function will remain a mystery, or at least that is the objective.
We talked to Ira today using Skype, it is the best. So anyone with highspeed make an account, because it is free and it is so clear, it may be better than the tele. Mark has the account on his computer, so look him up.
Much love and HAPPY FESTIVUS!!
The kids on Mondays always seem to have more energy then they know what to do with, so i have found them difficult.
We met a bunch of expats on Sunday, it was fun. We took a long subway ride, followed by a crazy bus ride in the hills, hairpin turns included, to Kosin University. They were supposed to have a festival of lights, but because it rained that day, they cancelled the outdoor light show??? We were a little confused. So instead we went back to Michala's house and watched Christmas vacation and ate Dominos. It was really expensive and not that great. The veggie pizza was the best; mushrooms, broccoli... We ordered bulgogi which is apprently beef of some kind, but i missed out.
For Christmas day we are going to join a number of other expats for dinner. They have arranged for a turkey dinner with everything. I don't even feel that it is Christmas. In the Lonely Plant Christmas Day is when Grandfather Santa comes to bring you presents!! i like that idea, however Mark and I haven't even thought about it. Since we are still in moving expense mode, i doubt that we will splurge, but we can't complain we are in a tropical paradise compared to you folks... We are having a gift exchange at the potluck. I bet it is going to be funny. There will be many gifts whose function will remain a mystery, or at least that is the objective.
We talked to Ira today using Skype, it is the best. So anyone with highspeed make an account, because it is free and it is so clear, it may be better than the tele. Mark has the account on his computer, so look him up.
Much love and HAPPY FESTIVUS!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ahh the first week is finished.
Well happy to report that i have survived the first week of teaching, and the first weekend off. Mike came to see us on Friday which was great. He is so comfortable here, i can't wait to be able to get around with such ease. We went to 'Home Plus' which is owned by Tesco, so i was able to find lots of stuff for the house such as pots, dishes, food and or course wine; the Chileans pulled through again, a wine i love and only 10$.
We went to the aquarium after we had a most fantastic lunch. The exhibit is pretty sweet. They have the shark tank which you can walk through. They was also this giant turtle and some stingrays. Fun times for an aquarium.
Then we hung out at the beach for a while. It was busier than any day this week, but the water was very choppy this time. The waves were pretty big. But the air felt oddly warm.
Tonight we are going to a festival of lights at Kosin university with a bunch of expats. Then i think we are going to watch a Christmas movie and just hang out, should be fun.
We did a bunch of cleaning and relaxing today, as it is our first day that is cloudy and rainy. Our washing machine is one of those super efficient ones, so it takes about 2 hours to do a load, but it comes out fairly dry, need a clothes horse.
Well nothing to funny has happened yet, but i will keep you posted.
We went to the aquarium after we had a most fantastic lunch. The exhibit is pretty sweet. They have the shark tank which you can walk through. They was also this giant turtle and some stingrays. Fun times for an aquarium.
Then we hung out at the beach for a while. It was busier than any day this week, but the water was very choppy this time. The waves were pretty big. But the air felt oddly warm.
Tonight we are going to a festival of lights at Kosin university with a bunch of expats. Then i think we are going to watch a Christmas movie and just hang out, should be fun.
We did a bunch of cleaning and relaxing today, as it is our first day that is cloudy and rainy. Our washing machine is one of those super efficient ones, so it takes about 2 hours to do a load, but it comes out fairly dry, need a clothes horse.
Well nothing to funny has happened yet, but i will keep you posted.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Yo Yo No SNOW!
Hey Everybody
No snow in the forecast in Busan. Sorry but i am sending my warm thought your way. I started teaching on monday, i have to say so far i really like, i am surprised actually. The kids that i teach are from aged 7 to 10. We play bingo, hangman and flashcards, and then we ready the same book over and over about 3 times. So really i am just a talking head. But puppet routine pays really well.
There a three Foriegn teachers at the school and then about 10 Korean English teachers, you work twice as long as i do and i think get paid less, and have to pay for there own apartment. i have been told not to feel bad because that it is just how Korea is.
The kids are in school all day it seems. I start classes at 2 and teach until 8, but there are classes that go until 10pm. The poor kids also have taekwondo or music lessons some where in there as well. Apparently a good nights rest is about 6 hours! Ick, we North Americans have it so easy.
Mark arrived safely on Tuesday so we went for a little stroll around the neighbourhood. We live in Haeundae which is probably the most prominent area in the city. So we have a lot of foreign people as well as bars and stores that cater to us, for example i have a Starbucks right outside my door!! So while we were walking around looking high in the sky, and looking at all the lights, and then we come across a man, who happens to be leaving against the fence, in a really nice suit, pissing through the fence and directly into our path! Luckily we noticed early and was able to avoid disaster!! We have been prepared for all the spitting and gobbing that goes on, but i can't say i was into the public urination thing.
In Busan the streets have no names. As far as i can tell the street signs direct you to the subway stations or major attractions. At least there are many landmarks to guide a person on there way, however there seems to be a family mart and a PC land (pc land is a 24 hour computer room, where all of the computers are hooked up to online games, or you can check your email at 3am if you like). There also seems to be an abundance of giant crosses on the many churches, some of them are even florescent!
We walked to the beach yesterday, and i could have jumped in. The beach is nice and white with no big rocks (like at home). This beach is called Haeundae beach. It is fed by the Korean straight, which leads into the Sea of Japan and then the Pacific. In the summer this beach is filled with so many people with umbrellas it is like a can of oysters! i will post pictures once i experience that.
Koreans also happen to be good/ bad drivers. There is a lot of honking, but it is not aggressive, it is more like i am going to pull a uturn in the middle of this intersection, please let me through. Or i am going to run this red... or i am going to go into the other lane because i want to make a right hand turn and i am not going to wait for the four cars ahead of me to make the turn left. It is really quite funny. They drive on the same side of the road and they have very large cross walks. This makes travelling easy, unlike China where you were playing Russian roulet to get across the street. I also noticed that sleeping babies on a parents lap is no big thing, especially when they are driving. It reminded me of us Americans who allow our pets on our laps while driving.
So i think that i have given you a better desciption of what it is like so far. Take care and miss you.
No snow in the forecast in Busan. Sorry but i am sending my warm thought your way. I started teaching on monday, i have to say so far i really like, i am surprised actually. The kids that i teach are from aged 7 to 10. We play bingo, hangman and flashcards, and then we ready the same book over and over about 3 times. So really i am just a talking head. But puppet routine pays really well.
There a three Foriegn teachers at the school and then about 10 Korean English teachers, you work twice as long as i do and i think get paid less, and have to pay for there own apartment. i have been told not to feel bad because that it is just how Korea is.
The kids are in school all day it seems. I start classes at 2 and teach until 8, but there are classes that go until 10pm. The poor kids also have taekwondo or music lessons some where in there as well. Apparently a good nights rest is about 6 hours! Ick, we North Americans have it so easy.
Mark arrived safely on Tuesday so we went for a little stroll around the neighbourhood. We live in Haeundae which is probably the most prominent area in the city. So we have a lot of foreign people as well as bars and stores that cater to us, for example i have a Starbucks right outside my door!! So while we were walking around looking high in the sky, and looking at all the lights, and then we come across a man, who happens to be leaving against the fence, in a really nice suit, pissing through the fence and directly into our path! Luckily we noticed early and was able to avoid disaster!! We have been prepared for all the spitting and gobbing that goes on, but i can't say i was into the public urination thing.
In Busan the streets have no names. As far as i can tell the street signs direct you to the subway stations or major attractions. At least there are many landmarks to guide a person on there way, however there seems to be a family mart and a PC land (pc land is a 24 hour computer room, where all of the computers are hooked up to online games, or you can check your email at 3am if you like). There also seems to be an abundance of giant crosses on the many churches, some of them are even florescent!
We walked to the beach yesterday, and i could have jumped in. The beach is nice and white with no big rocks (like at home). This beach is called Haeundae beach. It is fed by the Korean straight, which leads into the Sea of Japan and then the Pacific. In the summer this beach is filled with so many people with umbrellas it is like a can of oysters! i will post pictures once i experience that.
Koreans also happen to be good/ bad drivers. There is a lot of honking, but it is not aggressive, it is more like i am going to pull a uturn in the middle of this intersection, please let me through. Or i am going to run this red... or i am going to go into the other lane because i want to make a right hand turn and i am not going to wait for the four cars ahead of me to make the turn left. It is really quite funny. They drive on the same side of the road and they have very large cross walks. This makes travelling easy, unlike China where you were playing Russian roulet to get across the street. I also noticed that sleeping babies on a parents lap is no big thing, especially when they are driving. It reminded me of us Americans who allow our pets on our laps while driving.
So i think that i have given you a better desciption of what it is like so far. Take care and miss you.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Hey everybody,
I made it, but in quite a state. I think that i still have air legs, and i really miss home. I am so glad that Mark will be here in just a couple of days so that he can calm this fear and loneliness. I arrived late on Saturday Night and have been trying to settle in. I am looking for an adapter for my computer, but its not going that great.
Monday i start work and some one from the school is going to pick me up and take me there. As well they are supposed to get me the few things for the house like a shower curtain, telephone and some other house hold things.
So here we go...
love and miss you
I made it, but in quite a state. I think that i still have air legs, and i really miss home. I am so glad that Mark will be here in just a couple of days so that he can calm this fear and loneliness. I arrived late on Saturday Night and have been trying to settle in. I am looking for an adapter for my computer, but its not going that great.
Monday i start work and some one from the school is going to pick me up and take me there. As well they are supposed to get me the few things for the house like a shower curtain, telephone and some other house hold things.
So here we go...
love and miss you
Friday, December 05, 2008
Mark and I have decided that he is coming with me to Korea! We thought why stay here for 6 to 8 weeks alone, and me alone in Korea, when he can work from there. I know this is such a great news! I was really sad and worried about being alone for so long with out knowing anyone. I was talking myself into being fine with it, when in reality it was going to be really tough.
So financially it is going to be really tight for a while, but what else is new since September.
I start teaching on December 15, but i have yet to receive my airplane ticket, apparently it is "super expensive, so we are still looking", so i hope that i will get my ticket fairly soon. I am looking forward to working again....
So financially it is going to be really tight for a while, but what else is new since September.
I start teaching on December 15, but i have yet to receive my airplane ticket, apparently it is "super expensive, so we are still looking", so i hope that i will get my ticket fairly soon. I am looking forward to working again....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
non engaement, never getting married photoshoot
Another Bump in the Road
Hello everyone, still on Canadian soil!! I am so disappointed about this. I was supposed to be gone months ago! Alas I will have to wait until December 15, but at least that is my first day on the job. I think i will be flying out around the 10th I guess.
Retirement does not suit me. I am getting so down, waiting around for this long. I am sad that my triathlon training of the spring is now close to garbage, I guess that's what being homeless does to a person. I personally do not recommend being homeless. But on the bright side is that i will be so happy to get to my studio apartment in Korea! So excited!
I have big plans for Korea i can't wait to get there...
Retirement does not suit me. I am getting so down, waiting around for this long. I am sad that my triathlon training of the spring is now close to garbage, I guess that's what being homeless does to a person. I personally do not recommend being homeless. But on the bright side is that i will be so happy to get to my studio apartment in Korea! So excited!
I have big plans for Korea i can't wait to get there...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I VOTED today!!
Besides voting i saw the greatest thing. A gentleman at the young age of about 60 was so excited to vote. i even took a picture of him and the voting station. He was having such a great time! he said he had taken pictures of his notification card, and himself all the way to the voting station. i thought i was the only one to get excited about this process.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Back from PA
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sore Shoulder
Still waiting for this paper to come back so i have been taking in a few exercise classes. I am very sore today, and ends up my shoulder was dislocated a little. The work outs have been super awesome, so i am not doing much today. i wonder why it came out in the first place, obviously the tendons are not strong enough to keep it in place.
Did some shopping with R & R today, it was fun. She is really seems like she is talking to me and laughing. So fun to watch her.
Did some shopping with R & R today, it was fun. She is really seems like she is talking to me and laughing. So fun to watch her.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Rylee Jean growing like a weed, and smiling too!
Retirement... the perfect shade of pink!
Retirement at the age of 27, not really my thing. A whole lot of nothin' has been goin down in here.
Finished another book, "Girls guide to Hunting and Fishing", very cute and an easy read. I also bought "Gum thief" by Douglas Coupland which i am excited to get started on. Hopefully Mark will have his paper back in the next couple of days so that we can finish this job. Which at that point we are going to start our three week tour of all the Western Canadian Hot Spots.
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