Saturday, November 22, 2008

non engaement, never getting married photoshoot

Don't take the title to seriously, i am not jaded or bitter, this is what works for our life, so please don't have any negative thoughts about these beautiful pictures. Enjoy!

Another Bump in the Road

Hello everyone, still on Canadian soil!! I am so disappointed about this. I was supposed to be gone months ago! Alas I will have to wait until December 15, but at least that is my first day on the job. I think i will be flying out around the 10th I guess.
Retirement does not suit me. I am getting so down, waiting around for this long. I am sad that my triathlon training of the spring is now close to garbage, I guess that's what being homeless does to a person. I personally do not recommend being homeless. But on the bright side is that i will be so happy to get to my studio apartment in Korea! So excited!
I have big plans for Korea i can't wait to get there...