Saturday, January 31, 2009

Some pictures of the trip

The smoldering floor.
The boiler.
The houses. The one on the left is where G spends most her time. The next house to the right is the kitchen and eating house, and where guests sleep. There are two other 'houses' for storage. These houses are often L shaped.

Gone to the 'Saskatchewan' of Korea

We traveled to Gumi (then to the farm in Mungyeon). Our friend jokes that this area is like Saskatchewan, because it is small, less populated, and well nothing really to do;) And in parts behind in the times.
We had a great time with them and were lucky enough to tag alone and participate in a traditional New Years day celebration. Once we arrived at the farm we got shooed into the 'kids' room. I must say I was a bit confused. I thought that we were going to be stuck in there all day. It was just ritual. The men had to go into the house first to met Grandma. A short while later we were invited to meet her. We gathered in the house and bowed once and gave her a gift, she was quite smitten or touched or just throughly delighted to have us there. It is tradition to bow once to the elderly (2 for the dead and 3 for Buddha). This also applied to all the uncles that came to the house. The kids at school were delighted because when they bow they get money, lots of it. And when asked what they did most said "in bank" for things like university, and grandmothers house- my kids are about 7-11 let me remind you!
Back to the farm, after the bowing we were offered breakfast. It was tasty and abundant. We found out quickly that it is impotant to try at least one thing off every plate, so that is what we did. When grandma suggested that we have more, you MUST have more. The only way to stop eating was to go for a walk or go take a nap- sounds like christmas to me;) So we walked around the little town which was sucken in between some mountains. It was really a beautiful day, cool and a nice sprinkling of snow. So we walked into the mountain.
In Korea they often have family mountains (for the low price, of about 40,000$) where all the family members are buried. When a person visits the tomb it has an order to who gets to see you first. Grandfather first, which is usually buried further up the mountains, and in our case father next. It is a ritual that the graves be visited on New Years day. In the house the men take care of the offerings for the ancestors. The picture above is from the mountain.
We got back and sat in the kids room to hangout and take a nap. In Korea they heat the room using water running through the floor. Well at this house it was the case. A big pot outside, that in the older days could also steam the rice, boils all day from the fire underneath. Well so it seems that the water had run out, and the floor and our bodies were getting increasly warmer. Suddenly Eun Sook said stand up- so there we had it, the floor vinyl was boiling and the blanket was metling as well. No wonder our a$$'s were burning!
By then it was feeding time again, so into the house we go. Where we are pretty much stared at and talked about. My small hands and hair seemed to be a hit. We were probably the only blonde haired blue eyed folk to ever have had the privledge to visit them in their home. They wondered how we could be so big and not eat very much. Her mother apologized that we had travelled all this way, and barely ate anything. We laughed as the journey was only a two hour train ride which was split into a couple of days. We were able to tell them that it was not uncommon for us to travel 6 hours to alberta [because none of them come to see us;) yes this was a dig] for just a couple of days. We were also able to talk to them about what its like at christmas, where we eat one big meal at a specific time, not like them where the celebration is centered around the table, which includes nibbling constantly.
The aunts were so kind and special, even though we couldn't talk to each other we could all laugh, even if it was making fun of Mike, and his big nose! This is a sign that they care, they tell you if you have put on weight or if your nose is to big; and really wondering if that nose could be real! The aunts helped us in the little things. For example when grandma poured us some maukalee you must have both hands on the glass. It was just such a nice time, I wished we could have spoken. They kept talking into my eyes just as if I could understand them. To bad I couldn't I have a lot of questions. Like what has their life been like since they got married? In Korea once a women gets married she no longer belongs to her birth family, her mother is now her mother-in-law. It is not often talked about either. But apparently times are changing, for that I am glad.
We decided it was time to go before we were able to witness the huge feast, but I guess it is quite impressive. On the way out it took us about 50 minutes, on the way back it was almost two hours. It was the biggest weekend in the calender as people are travelling everywhere. In Korea when the roads get backed up, it is likely backed up to Seoul, and I thought the Deerfoot was bad! I had a sleep instead.
Beacuse of this minor delay, we almost missed our train out. Luckily it is not like home, if you miss your screwed, we caught another train and made it home before 9. The train is so awesome here, it was a fun ride and weekend.
Thanks Mike and Eun Sook for taking us.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is the place. I am standing on the window sill. We are hoping to get a couch soon so that we don't have to do everything on the bed.

Kitchen/ laundry/ desk...
The fridge and freezer is contained in the cupboard with the stickers on it.

Look from the entrance. Bath room is the door on the right. Storage on the left.

All you can eat for 17$

I shop at the Jwa- Dong Traditional market for most of our produce. We have not tried to buy meat there yet, as we want to ensure we know what it is.
In this picture oranges and tomatoes from one vendor for 6,000won everything else was 17,000. From the oranges clockwise: Potatoes (dirt included), bell peppers (8), zucchini (1), a pack of hot peppers (popular in all of Korean cooking), 6 cucumbers, 3 broccoli heads, and carrots (also covered in dirt) . The orchid in the background we also got for a steal of a deal- 20,000!! I was so shocked, as this plant in Canada would be at least double. There was a huge pot of cymbidium orchids- about 12 stems, on the plants- for 70,000 but she was going to give us a discount and let go of it for 60,000! We thought about it, but decided what on earth are we going to do with a plant that big. This type of plant is also give around the New Year for prosperity etc.
Sul nal (new year) is this 26 & 27.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A beautiful picture on a rainy afternoon

Offical Alien

Its official, I am now a card carrying alien... with a bank account!! I am so glad that the paper shuffle is coming to a close. I am getting my cell phone and internet tomorrow. Yes that's right folks I am finally getting a cell. I am going to make sure that it has a translator so that it won't be so hard to get things. I think that I should really start trying to master some of the language.

I have been reading a lot of books lately, its easier than trying to master the outside world, especially when you just don`t feel up for it. If anyone has a must read book, you can pass it my way;) I have not yet mastered the shopping here. Clothes all seem to be in centimeters I think (90,95,100,105) so I am not exactly sure what size I am. It is also not pay day for another couple of weeks, so I must ration. Moving is expensive no matter where a person goes.

We have been steadily meeting people, as there are so many foreigners in our building. Everyone says that the first few months are quite crappy and hard, but after that they are having a great time- especially once beach weather comes along. So I almost over the 2 month mark. It will be awesome I am sure. I am looking forward to traveling and hiking and seeing all the neat things Korea has to offer.

I am working 6 days this week so that a coworker can head to China. There have been quite a few people who are doing that, being Chinese New Year and all on the 26&27 it is going to be a blast. We are heading to Gumi on Sunday and then the country on Monday with Mike and Eun Sook. I can`t wait to see the country. We are coming back Monday night and I have Tuesday off, which we will probably spend at the beach.

Anway gotta go!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One Month

Can you believe it? I can't really believe that it has already been a month. I am glad the time is going by quickly so that the readjustment period keeps getting shorter and shorter and things are becoming much easier. Mark and I went out for dinner last night for the first time by ourselves. I am glad we were finally confident enough to do that. It is really discouraging when things are so hard, especially when all you want to do is eat. I am able to relax more and our apartment is starting to feel like our place. I must say the view for our window just might be the best that i will ever have.
We are meeting more people as time goes on. We joined a group for expats that live here, and on Saturday they are going to an orphanage. I think that i might go, if not i will go next time. Some of the other girls have been there before and say that it is a lot of fun. I think that is something that I would like to do a couple times a month.
I also think that I am going to get a gym membership. We have a facility across the street. I miss the gym and the exercise, I was getting so fit this time last year, and I want that back!!

I guess thats all for nows. Love and hugs

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Turns out some people think pink is bad for girls

Check out this link. It is from a blog I read called ''.
Here is the story:

BBC News has a story about the effects of pink on young girl's development.

Some commentators now believe pink dominates the upbringing of little girls, and this may be damaging.

Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood, says the "total obsession" with pink stunts girls' personalities. "I am very worried about it. You can't find girls over the age of three who aren't obsessed with the colour. It's under their skin from a very early age and severely limits choices, and decisions.

"We have got to get something done about the effect marketeers are having. We are creating little fluffy pink princess, an image of girliness, that is very specific and which some girls don't want to go along with, but due to overwhelming peer pressure, are having to conform to."

The article goes on to overlook what I think are the important issues underlying this question. What we really need to talk about, which is demonstrated by the pink example, is how our society constantly polices gender roles. This policing starts at a young age and color preferences are just one of many examples we could use. While the article makes the point that exposure to pink itself is not going to seriously change a girl's life, what bigger differences underlie this superficial examples? We treat boys and girls differently in so many ways, many of which we don't even perceive. The cumulative effect of all these slight behavioral and social differences are what really has an impact on both genders, and continues to reinforce ideas about gender difference.

Apparently Pink is for Princeses

I have a class of 5 girls who are fairly proficient in English. For example they ask "teacher meaning" of the word. So today I asked them what their favorite color is. So the common answer is yellow, purple and sky blue. I piped up and said my favorite is pink. They all promptly turned up their noses, crossed their fingers into an X and yelled NO NO NO. I asked why? Pink is for princess!! I thought all girls wanted to be princess...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hair Job

Sunday a friend and I went shopping. While we were walking around we started talking about hair and she asked if i wanted to get my hair done... of course!! We had to wait at first because they had to decide if they could help us. So thankfully they could and I ended up with a pretty good job. My hair is a little yellow to me, but she said that this is as blond as its going to get in Korea. This is the cute hair dresser with me. The salon was filled with so many chemicals because everyone was getting a perm!! It was kind of funny. My friend told me that the older a woman gets the shorter and tighter the perm gets. I see some things cross cultural lines;) Next time Yoon and I are going to go together. It will be great.

We went Seomyeon which is a very popular shopping area. I finally found some slippers that will help my feet since we are not allowed to wear shoes at work. I was also able to find a fake pair of Uggs for only 19$ it was awesome. It turns out that at Seomyeon Station (subway) a person can shop from one end of the station to the other which I would guess to be about a kilometer long. I found lots of shoes that I like, and they even had my size. I wanted to buy some clothes while my friend was there because it seems that they label sizes in numbers 90,95,100. So I am not sure what size I am. Some things look as though they should fit, but I just haven't had the courage to try. I remember in China I grabbed a shirt and the lady took it away from me and just shook her head a lot saying no! So it scared me a little I guess.

I can't wait for January to be over. We have so many classes and I have to start work early. I will be teaching 146 forty minute classes this month. It is so hard to talk for 7 hours straight reading the same thing. The books are okay but some of them seem to be to easy for some of the kids. Oh well this is what I signed up for right?!

Bye for now

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I was paid my first salary yesterday. It is pretty sweet being a millionaire- and this was only for 17days work. Next months pay will be double!!
I came home and told Mark i bought him a present, that it was a sort of meat product. I said that i brought home some bacon, therefore i am now the baconator;)

With my new found wealth and to give some Mark some quite time so that he could work on school, i went shopping. I visited the Lotte department store because of the MAC cosmetics counter. After i got home i realized that everything is about 15-20 dollars more expensive than at home. Good thing i bought a few items because they will be the last while i am here. I also bought this shawl/ scarf which i totally paid to much for, but was a little embarrassed to turn it down. Thankfully that place me feel awful for buying things that i don't need and paying way to much for things!! I also felt inadequate which is totally stupid. Good thing i like shopping at the markets better. Better deals, better finds, better fun, and a learning experience all in one.

Ciao for now, much love

Thursday, January 08, 2009

This is our 24 story building. We are on the 21st. It is beautiful because we can see the ocean and the morning sun. And there is a Starbucks practically right outside my door. LUCKY!

Land of the zigzagers

It seems that no one walks a straight line. People are regularly walking in front of me and through me almost. Lucky for them no one has ran into me! I am having a bit of a tough week. School is so busy because we are offering intensive speaking class while the children are on winter break. I am at school from 1230 until 8pm usually. I really did not think that being an English language prostitute was going to be this difficult. Let me tell you i was very wrong!! These days i am teaching seven forty minute classes a day. It is just a bad week, and i am sure once January comes to a close, i will feel better again.

I am almost an official alien. I dropped the papers off this week, and i will have them back by the 16th. Once i have that then we will be able to get phones and internet. I can't wait for the internet connection so that i can catch up on all the tv i have been missing!! I will be glad when all of this beaureacratic nonsense is completed. Once i get the card i will also be able to get the bank account which is great because i am sure the credit card people are wondering where i am and why they haven't gotten any money lately...oops.

Anway i will post pictures on facebook, that way i won't slow down the blog to much.
love you