Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marks BACK!!

YIPPEE!! Mark is back. I am so happy! and so spoiled!

Book Comments: The Lovely Bones SPOLIER WARNING AHEAD!!


This book was a good read. It was written very well and from quite a different perspective: a dead girl watching from heaven. I have to honestly say that overall the book really freaked me out. Maybe I am a sucker for the psychic realms, but it just seemed to real. The way that this girl describes her life and death, and after her death, was truly haunting. I felt that it also speaks volumes about a parents instincts. They always know deep down what the truths are, whether they choose to follow through on it is another story.

I'll just leave it at that, to not ruin it for everyone. Please give me your comments I would like to hear them.

Next Read: 'Middlesex' by: Jefferey Eugenides

Old Man Alvin

One of my favorite students just cracks me up.

Me: How are you today Alvin?

Alvin: Not Bad (he says with his old man face and sly grin)

Me: What are you doing for Children's Day?

Alvin: Taking a Nap! ( he is 11)

I laughed for so long the students began to ask me "teacher what so funny?"
He just embodies such an old man, I love it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Land of the Rude Awakenings

Ding dong ding dong, it is 830 and a mysterious message comes over the loud speaker in a language that I can not understand. Spring out of bed to find out where this noise is coming from. Whew, no one is in my apartment.
Bang bang bang, 10am, two men are at the door, and knocking on other doors as we speak. One man is carrying a strange canister, the other is the old man security dude from the front,luckily this is the one that can sort of speak English. They want to come in, what? So buddy comes in with the strange can and starts spraying. It stinks immediately in many ways; [whenever they come to 'fix' things they leave a huge mess and black foots prints everywhere]. The shoes prints are being laid, but thankfully he put on my slippers to meander through the rest of my apartment, spraying said substance.
Finally it is over, but now what. In broken and simple words we try to communicate. Spray for bugs, 30 minutes wash, 30 minutes bye bye. So effectively they have kicked me out of my house. Okay, guess it is a good time to go for a walk...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Since I have arrived in Korea, it seems that I have been blowing through books. I think I have been averaging about 1 book every week or week and a half. So my old eyes are noticing the difference, but I am so glad I can read whatever I want-- no textbooks!!

I just finished the 'Twilight' series and was somewhat disappointed. The book is fantasy. A human girl falls in love with a vampire and her best friend turns out to be a shape shifter. This love triangle has its own problems as vampires and shape shifters are enemies. Needless to say the books were a bit over worked, and drawn out! She could have done it in 3 books easy instead of 4 at 600 pages each.

It turns out that the author is a practicing Mormon and her books reek of that fact! Throughout the entire series she is pushing her abstinence agenda. Without any question in her writings, the vampire and the human girl have to get married before they can have sex. And as many of these stories go, she gets knocked up the first time they have sex!! Why didn't she educate the girl about methods of birth control? I hate this abstinence agenda. People should be educated in all aspects of their bodies including their sex organs. They are not merely for reproductive purposes (if even your mother told you so, or better yet never told you anything at all). I know that the story had to follow this path to end, but there are so many places who rely on this agenda, and forget to empower their children with as much information as possible. It is just so sad that school boards and parent committees are not even allowing condom machines in high schools, and even some universities/ colleges in the US. They are old enough to make their own decisions, so shouldn't they also choose to protect themselves?

Well glad that's off my chest. Now on to something different - 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I love paying TAXES...

... especially when you get it back!
Thanks to the hard work of my mother-in-law my taxes are filed and I am filthy rich;) I am so glad that my bad debt is taken care of. I think it took a mere 5 minutes to pay off those stinkin' credit cards! I am glad I will not have to use those bloody cards again, at least until I am back in Canada! Just wanted to share the good news. Now only the student loans to take care. I am estimating another 20 months for that. That is great considering my pay back period is 14 years. Sick :p


On Sunday I had another Korean language lesson. Unfortunately for me, the teacher this week could not speak a lick of English. We all had a headache a a look similar to this one throughout the entire class. However this was a great experience to have, as I could really feel the depth of what my students are going through. Like, she talks too fast, I only caught one word, why is she using her arms like that. I am glad that we had this teacher, but I hope the other teacher is back next week.
I picked up a book of words and a Korean-English dictionary on the way home to try and get a handle on this. It is very difficult, no wonder everyone stresses teaching children language. Adult brains question to much, do not repeat enough and are to self conscious and not confident enough. I sometimes ask my kids to teach me words as they will say it many many times until I get it right. Plus they get a kick out of how silly I sound!

Friday, April 03, 2009

po'k-kot ch'uk-che` [Cherry Blossoms Festival]

There are many events going on around the country this weekend, as it is peek season for the cherry blossoms. I am not going to make it, but I plan on checking out a beach/road where there are many trees. But I snapped a few pictures on the way to work to show you what my streets are looking like.

... continued...

yes how can this continue? It can!!
Yesterday He actually managed to say 'phat', as I cringed he seemed confused. At least I was able to also teach him the word SLIM as thats what he was trying to describe, with the hand gestures.
I tried making a joke out of the situation, as the phat girl inside always does, when she is mortified/ horrified/ scared. He mentioned that my hair looked nice, so I turned it on him and said his hair looks 'two thumbs up'. We both laughed so I don't think that conversation was lost in translation.
Part of me considered stopping my exercise plans/ goals just so that he would leave me alone. But we are beyond that, because now he would tell me that I am getting fat! I guess I better keep on track and just get used to the constant attention that appearance gets here in this country.
I mean CONSTANT. I saw a girl walking down the street with a hand held mirror in one hand (and of course "hand p'on" in the other) [p'on= phone in English]. Women and men are always looking at themselves in any reflective surface there is. If there is no mirror in sight, the phone is held up and a quick picture is taken, to ensure proper hair placement.
So if I come back to Canada and can't stop looking at my self, please don't be offended;)