I am so happy to back! It has been cold, but the kimchi is keeping me warm;)
It seems that this land may have not have wanted me. I had a heck of a time trying to get here. Of course the usual delays with Canada Post forced me to reschedule my flight. Turns out that getting out of Saskatoon was something everyone was doing, so I couldn't leave until the 15th. Delta airlines was my official carrier which means that my route would be through the red, white and blue. Of course with this being the case, extra security must be taken. At the airport I was selected for extra screening; which included pilfering through my carry- on and sticking my hands in my front pockets to ensure I had no substances tucked in there. Then we got tucked into a hallway to wait to board a really small plane! To my delight getting through immigration in Minneapolis was FAST!! and painless!! With only 1hour and 15minutes between flights, I was worried, but I had time to eat and stop at the washroom... unbelievable. This is where it all began to fall apart. I arrived at JFK- New York at 1040. My flight to Korea was not going to be until 12:50. I got off the plane and was wandering around the place looking for a Delta agent to ask, where the hell am I. I ask the Homeland Secruity guys where they could be, so they told me to wait at this desk. I waited and waited and waited. By 12 I was starting to sweat and I was told that maybe I had to get to terminal 3. So I went. I ran. I cried. It was cold and wet and snowy. I got to terminal 3. You are are not suppossed to be here. You are to be at terminal 1. Oh shit! An older gentlemen and I ran back to terminal 1. We were too late! The flight has gone. I cry and drop to the floor. I'm tired and probably going to puke. Thankfully my running partner was an excellent man and took pity on me. We walk back to terminal 3. We look for alternatives. Option 1, you will be on the next flight in 24hours time. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Is there anything else? Yes a flight 12 hours later... done!! and to my surprise NO CHARGE! So what do I do now... I have to find a hotel room. That sweet gentleman helps me arrange it. There is a free shuttle.. excellent. So I wait almost 2 hours to get this shuttle. I'm freezing and can't see straight. Then a bunch of people show up waiting for the same place.. they have a cell phone.. they call and call again. We arrive at the hotel. My room is fine. I'm really cold. I call Mark. I am sick to death. I try to sleep. Not a great result. I am sick, shivering and sick. Wake up call. OK get your shit together, you can't miss this one.
Korean Air= amazing. I check in. They asked why I missed the flight, they are sympathetic. My luggage is still in NYC. I ask for an aisle seat, they upgrade me! SWEET! They also give me access to the lounge- sweet, breakfast and comfy chairs. They ensure that my luggage has been found! AMAZING! Board the plane, and turns out I have three seats to myself.. could life get any better.. not really! I sleep, eat and repeat.
Finally I arrive at Incheon. I feel relieved and happy. I am shipped out on a 4 hour bus ride to Jeonji University where orientation is. I packed too much, but so did everyone else. I am here. I am eating kimchi. I am on the same Continent as Mark. I am truly happy!