Sorry for my lack of blogging. It seems that I just couldn't find anything to say.. surprised right!
I'll break it down:
School: I'm in the the northern part of the city. It is a working class neighborhood. The only reason I mention that is because it is reflected in my students. Living in this part of the city means their access to English and English academies is limited therefore resulting in a lower level English ability. There are of course some stellar students but the majority are lower level. They are great kids. It is so much harder working in the system then I thought. Not only do I have 5 different co-teachers to consider, but I also have to plan these lessons. I am having an extremely difficult time with this. I just want my lessons to be awesome and useful, but I do not yet have the ability to gage what level and material will best support them.
I have one super awesome co- teacher. She supports me and digs me out of whatever holes I find myself in when presenting a class. The others have their own ideas of what co-teaching is.
I find that I can not leave work at school ( Neda now I totally understand what you are doing). I feel a lot of guilt and I can never really forget about work. This leads to a bit of sad and isolating after school life. I take what the students say very personally and I need to drop that.
Mark and I are on completly opposite schedules. This makes it difficult to spend quality time together. I miss having the same schedule and the same working conditons. However, this year we have the entire weekend to spend together. Mark has taken up soccer, which usually occurs on the weekend; maybe he will let me watch soon;)
Web t.v.
So I applied to be on this program that will broadcast on a web channel. It is a show about changing ones lifestyle and making a better body and better life. The grand prize is 1000$. That wouldn't be so bad. I feel that maybe this would