My vice principal really seems to like me. We can not talk to each other, because we don't speak each other's language. To show that he likes me, he has been offering me rides home. We both live close to Haeundae, so he drops me off at the subway station near his house. At first I thought this was awesome, kind and would save time. However, it is much easier just to take the subway; for time and lack of strange uncomfortable silence!
On our adventures home we have started to take detours, first just the gas station. Let me tell you gas is so expensive here! I hope the gas jockey doesn't think that I am this old man's mistress. He always give me this sly grin- may I remind you my vice principal is short, very thin, bald and has a close resemblance to Mr.Burns.
Now to the good stuff. We ran into each other in the hallway on our way out of school and he asks 'Haeundae' and I reply yes. He offers me a ride. I swore just a few days before that I would come up with some excuse to politely decline. Some how my two minds were separated and I said OK sure, before I could really think about it. Usually he leaves the radio on, but this time he turned it off. All I could think was oh shit now were going to have to play charades in the front seat of his car. Let me also remind you that he is a very nervous driver and can barely touch the gas pedal in his SUV. Well, the games began. He started to say something about his shirt... I thought please gawd don't take it off! The he said something about Sajik, which is no where near our home. Then he finally calls my co teacher to ask for translation; "He has to stop at a clothing shop, would you mind waiting?" (Uh, OK).
I was willing going to wait in the car, as we parked on the sidewalk in front of said store. He wasn't going to have this, so in we go. There was another Korean couple in there and everyone just kinda stared. I sit on the black leather sofa quite uncomfortably. (Thinking what the HELL)! We had to wait as the other customers were finishing up. He was perusing the store. A lime green sport coat really caught his eye; let the wheeling and dealing begin. He also settled on a pink pinstriped pattern for the shirts that we originally went in for. This shirt was of course to match the new pink pants that he just bought. I slightly panic thinking we better not start trying this stuff on. Thankfully they had all his measurements on file. Dodged a bullet on that one!
Needless to say my trip home was about an hour later than usual, but at least I had a great story to tell Mark- nothing like this really happens to him. It was also great material for a blog post. I hope there will be more to add in the chronicles of Mandy and the Vice.