Monday, June 22, 2009


Oh my gosh, it is getting very uncomfortable here. For the past three days it has been so foggy. Today it is finally raining, and I mean down pour. Apparently the humidity is about 90%! I use KMA to check the weather. Looks like no matter where you live, the weather people can never get it right;)

P.S. Of course kids say whatever is on their minds; "teacher why wet?" (pointing to my underarm), I gruff back, "because its hot!" Kids, they are making me so self conscious!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mandy's Book Club

I have been reading like crazy. Here is the latest.

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

This book is really good. It shows the tumultuous life of an immigrant family, and how the decisions from generations past, affect the life of a young hermaphrodite in the present. It was so well written. I won't spoil it.

White Teeth by Zadie Smith
Well this was a painstakingly long read! I don't even know where to start or finish. I guess in reflection the story comes together, but it was a really slow start for me, it actually never picked up. But I just didn't want to quit as I had put in so much effort.

Next on the book list: Mouthing the Words by Camilla Gibb
She is one my favorites. This Wiki link doesn't say much about her. She has a PhD from Oxford in Social Anthropology- I wish!! Her other books are great. I love her writing.

Please send your book suggestions my way, I am always looking for a good read.

Happy Half Way Anniversary!!

It has already been 6 months. This week has been better. Apparently everyone gets a case of the blues at this period in their contracts; some say it can last 2 months. I bloody well hope not!

A friend and I have started project "perky butt"- yes just a fancy name for climbing Jangsan Mountain three days a week. We have done this 3 times and have yet to find the peak! Today we came to something that resembled the makings of a trail to the top, but alas, we just can't find it! The first day we hiked to the Helipad, but that wasn't the top either. Sheesh. The map at the bottom is obviously misleading. Whatever we have accepted our plight, and think that it is actually a good thing, that way we won't become bored with such ventures into the woods.

Mark is going back to Canada for the last time tomorrow. His defense is set for June 23. I am so happy for him. The school thing is going to be over. I wonder what it will be like? We have never been in this relationship without one of us being in school. I have a feeling will be just fine; and travelling a lot!! I think that he will be back in early July.

Well thats all for now folks, love you
Big Hugs

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Korean Funeral

Funerals everywhere are sad and somber. When a young person dies it is tragic and heartbreaking. My Korean co-workers brother died of a heart attack while on a business trip in Vietnam. This was especially difficult as they had to go to another country to get the body released.
The hospitals work with the families as the services are in the basement. There is no body just a picture with flowers. Which I was extremely glad. I hate the sight or presence of a dead body. The tradition is that a person bows 2 1/2 times to the dead and 1 time the family. It was a very nice ritual. A sense of mutual respect and sadness. Most Korean people do not touch each other, so hugs are not often given.
The family has another room across the hall where the eating and drinking takes place. The family stays at this place for nearly three days. So during this time, people can come and go as they please. Which I also felt was nice, as then there is not just one awfully sad and for me dreadful day. I was told that usually these wakes are usually more lively and up beat as they truly celebrate ones life. My co workers and I went after work on the first night of the wake, so that's why we went a t 1130pm. Most of the people from the school were there. I was a little embarrassed as I was a crying mess. No body else was shedding tears, but leave it to me, I can cry for a thousand people. I was not sure if I should go, as I did not want to offend the family, so I was a bit emotional at work when I asked if it would be alright. I think I have utterly confused the poor girls that I work with.
The verdict on funerals-- they are crappy no matter what country they are in.

Almost 6 Months.... warning pity party ahead

Sorry about the shortage of blogs. Blah is how I have been feeling for the last 3 weeks or so. I have been sick for the third time this year. I never get sick.

I have been here for almost 6 months (13th). How is it going? Well it has its ups and downs, lately more severe than usual. Everything is always hard to do. So often I find that I would rather stay in my apartment than try to brave Korea. As I write this I feel so selfish. There has been a lot of death and sadness in some of our closest friends lives, so my concerns seem so lame. Part of me really wants to come home, but then what am I going to do?
Korea is not the place to be when you are trying not to concern yourself with where you fit, or what you should have accomplished by a certain age. A common opener is 'how old are you?', 'are you married?'. To the latter question I have resigned myself to just saying yes, as there is no Korean equivalent for common-law or shacked up.
I came to Korea for money and now I am paying for it. Whenever a person is motivated by money, the bottom always falls out. The money is not what I thought I would be making. I had intentions of paying off my student loans within a year, but that is far from likely. I am not sure how long it is going to take. That will teach me. I am going to do some better research so that my motives for being here, move away from money.
As for the job, I give teachers all the respect in the world. I am NOT a teacher, nor have I ever or will ever claim to be. I can not connect with these little kids. For one they have no idea what I am saying nor do they care. My older kids on Saturday I really enjoy as we often talk about things that I can't exactly ask my peers. Kids are so honest and they don't factor in what the country would want them to say. The last President recently committed suicide, so we talked about that. They were also able to tell me a little about their political views. I wish I could have those kind of classes all the time. I love being around people, just not little people.
I was thinking that I should become fluent in Korean and pursue a job in tourism or some corporate job. But once again I am the lazy foreigner (in comparison to a Korean) and have not taken any steps to get my shit together.
I am sorry for bringing you all down, I promise not to write the shitty stuff anymore, except for my funeral experience.

I hope you are well