Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A bathroom Attack

On my way to the john before my after school class I am bombarded by the boys. Teacher, we need to talk to you. OK. 37 obnoxious boys from the bee incident begin to tell me how sorry they are. Bowing incessantly and practically chanting 'I'm sorry teacher'. By this time I feel awkward standing in the bathroom doorway and looking at the clock. I finally get them to stop and go away.

After school class has started. A knock on the door.
Teacher can I talk to you?
I guess- but I'm kinda in the middle of something.
Teacher we're sorry
Yeah I know.
Can you teach us the class again?
Because the home room teacher said we have to make up the class. When do you have time?
I don't have time. I don't want to.
Teacher, its a different culture. So when can you do it?
Uh, OK. 415 everyone get here on time. We will study for 15 minutes. I really don't want to do this.
Its a different culture. Also teacher said we must pay you because its an extra class.
What? No, you don't have to do that.
Its a different culture. What do you want? Candy, money?
Uh, whatever. I don't understand. OK. I gotta go. Bye

They stagger in late; some without pens and papers. They were angels. I didn't think they had it in them. Honestly they weren't any crazier that any other day, so I was basically over it by the time they all exited the classroom. I think they only had to come and repeat my class because they also pissed off the math teacher- which is where they were headed to next..
Its a different culture teacher.
 I know. I know.

p.s. still haven't got paid;)

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