Wednesday, December 07, 2011

60 day challenge- COMPLETE

We are the ones who completed the challenge. The prize was a months membership. I guess I will have to go to the gym everyday for another month so that I can make good use of the freebie.

What I learned?
Goals are an excellent motivator.
Small goals make everything else achievable.
I like having goals (currently I feel a little lost).
All goals should be celebrated no matter how big or small you perceive them to be.
Find support!! This is so important. Surround your self with people who have the same goals~ they push you to be accountable to yourself and to them.
Accomplish one goal and you won't be able to get enough.

Keep up the good fight ^^*

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gwangan Bridge Marathon

My friend and I ran the 10 kilometer race two weeks ago. She was registered and I was not, but I still wanted to try my hand at running again. I have been scared to try again. So an unofficial race was just what I needed. I also decided to ditch the mp3 player and really just take in the scenery and support my friend. It was great to have a friend to chase and be chased by. We really helped each other. As she dashed for the finish line I had to keep up. We went all out in the last few meters. (I almost brought up my breakfast but thankfully I didn't)

Here is the picture of the bridge. Such an amazing experience.

My friend and I after the race. She is so amazing!!

Monday, October 03, 2011

Denmark introduces fat tax

I think this is a good idea. A little extreme some may say, but in these times necessary.
Denmark introduces Fat tax

Denmark has imposed a "fat tax" on foods such as butter and oil as a way to curb unhealthy eating habits.
The Nordic country introduced the tax, of 16 kroner (£1.84) per kilogram (2.2lbs) of saturated fat in a product.
Ole Linnet Juul, food director at Denmark's Confederation of Industries, said the tax will increase the price of a burger by around £0.09 and raise the price of a small package of butter by around £0.25.
The tax was approved by large majority in a parliament in March as a move to help increase the average life expectancy of Danes.
Denmark, like some other European countries, already has higher fees on sugar, chocolates and soft drinks, but Linnet Juul said he believes the Nordic country is the first in the world to tax fatty foods.
In September, Hungary introduced a new tax popularly known as the "Hamburger Law", but that only involves higher taxes on soft drinks, pastries, salty snacks and food flavourings.
The outgoing conservative Danish government planned the fat tax as part of a goal to increase the average life expectancy of Danes, currently below the OECD average at 79 years, by three years over the next 10 years.
"Higher fees on sugar, fat and tobacco is an important step on the way toward a higher average life expectancy in Denmark," health minister Jakob Axel Nielsen said when he introduced the idea in 2009, because "saturated fats can cause cardiovascular disease and cancer."
Linnet Juul said the tax mechanism is very complex, involving tax rates on the percentage of fat used in making a product rather than the percentage that is in the end-product. As such, only the arrangements of how companies should handle the tax payments could cost Danish businesses about £18 million in the first year, he said.
Linnet Juul's organisation is pressuring politicians to simplify the tax, but said he is unsure what will happen when the new, centre-left government takes office.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prairie Sky

I have been missing the sky and the space since my return....

Lotte Giants Baseball game.

Over the Thanksgiving type holiday (September 12-13) we were able to go to a baseball game. It was really fun. We were up in the cheap seat with all of the best fans, fried chicken and beer we could buy. Our South African and English friends had never been to a game before so it was fun to watch it together. We stressed the importance of drinking beer during the game to be ensure maximum enjoyment. At the Giants games around the 6th inning everyone is given an orange garbage bag. It is to be filled with your garbage and then taken to a pile. It is a very effective way of cleaning up the stadium. However, before the garbage is put in, the bag is put on your head. The following pictures will show you.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Michaela is coming!!

Michaela is coming to Busan! She has arrived in Korea for a month. Today she will come to visit and stay with Mark and I. I'm so excited. I really have missed her. It's going to be a great weekend with her. We will visit our old hangouts and eat some of her favorite foods. I love this girl ^^

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What to do?

I have been on this journey for almost 6 months now and I have to honestly say I had different expectations of the outcomes. So far, losing the weight has been the hardest. But another challenge that has risen is the obsession with everything fitness. I am now obsessed with the scale and food and how many minutes I exercise. Part of me is really happy that I am aware of everything in my system. The other part of me is tired of talking about food and weight. I just want living healthy and making good choices to come naturally. I don't want to constantly mull over ever decision or fight off unwanted cravings or moments of weakness.
 I have 30 days to reach my goal. Its really hard not to do some crazy diet. But, I don't know what to eat or how to eat/ exercise in order to fulfill my obligation to my body. This week I did yoga twice and walked home from school (8km) twice. What else should I do?! See, obsessed much...

What has worked for you? What food did you cut out? Anything you got, give it to me...please ^^

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Time to give up the diet pop (soda)

I just read this really interesting article about fat/ weight gain and consumption of diet pop.
"The data didn't say why diet sodas might play a role in weight gain, but previous research suggests it has to do with the disconnect between the taste of artificial sugars and their lack of calories. The brain is wired to expect a big load of calories when foods taste sweet or fatty. But because diet foods fail to deliver, it throws the brain out of whack. Studies in animals suggest that artificial sweetener consumption may lead to even more eating and weight gain, perhaps in part because it triggers the body to start storing more calories as fat."

I have often felt that when drinking pop I do tend to eat more. I could never really explain that feeling. I usually drink diet soda because I don't want all the sugar in my diet.

Since I have been on my get a good body kick, I have noticed the taste of any carbonated drink tastes a lot like metal and actually really hurts my teeth.

One more thing for me to kick. Also,after the trip to the dentist this week, I will forever think about what the food will do to my teeth.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

My face hurts!

There is nothing like a trip to the dentist to make a person feel like crap. I feel sad, depressed and in a constant state of pain. AND, to make everything better I have another appointment tomorrow and next Thursday. I'm really worried and apprehensive. I hate being a complainer, but I can't help it.... must find a dark corner and hide.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friends- explained

The relationships that we keep are an important aspect of how we view and respect ourselves as well as an incredible (and enjoyable) tool for building up our self-esteem. You may find that you dread encounters with certain people but look forward to meeting up with others. This is your internal way of steering through the good, the bad, and the sometimes ugly. Focus your effort on those who inspire you, make you feel good, and bring overall positive vibes into your life. The others who like to unload their baggage onto you, who give you daily doses of guilt or shame, or who are just plain negative can find their own path without your energy to sustain them.

Friends, thank you for being GREAT!!

Quiz Result-

 This is the result of some on-line quiz called "From Self-loathing to Self -love". I think it is pretty accurate.

Not Super

You aren't a total mess, but you sure have room for a little healthy ego strengthening. You can be critical and unforgiving of yourself. You find your value by facilitating other people’s happiness and often put their needs before your own. You are quick to take the blame when things go wrong, and you tend to get in your own way by not allowing yourself room for mistakes or time to learn from them.

Day 45

WoW! 45 days. It is really creeping up one me. Last night I practiced Yoga at my gym, Korean Kartel. It was a great change to the regular routine. It was also amazingly focused and intense. Usually at the gym my mind is angry, sad, tired and worried. However, in this yoga session I was able to stay focused and concentrate on the movements and the breath that is needed to be successful in this type of setting. It was really great. I will be practicing every Wednesday, and soon Saturdays (once they add the class).

As the days dwindle down, I'm really beginning to worry that I won't be able to shed these last 5kgs before the deadline. I don't want to do anything to drastic to drop the weight, but I really want to lose this weight. I really have to pump up the volume. Changing or rewiring my mind and body is a much harder, longer, and powerful journey then I ever imagined. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being out of control. But, I'm also tired of talking and thinking about health all the time! I know that until I reach my goal, this is how its going to be. Once I reach my goal, I know that I will JUST be an active person who  chooses the right meals and the portions and the right activities. 

Can't wait....for everything ^^
Get out there, take a walk.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Getting old SUCKS!!

Since it has been a year for getting healthy and getting tested to make sure I am healthy, yesterday it was time to visit the dentist. I think it was 3 years ago since my last visit. Oh, how I wish I could turn back the clock. Turns out my mouth is after itself. The dentist used this fun little camera to take pictures of my disgusting teeth. I had to ask the hygienist to turn it off as it grossed me out and I almost started to cry. She proceeded to clean my teeth which is going to be the first of many trips to the office. It turns out my back teeth are attacking each other. He actually said " I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this one!" Shit, I'm screwed! He suggested that we will do a root canal on that tooth which will require many visits to the office. The same tooth on the opposite side is going to require a crown as it is not so badly damaged. Among the other procedures I will have to replace two fillings.
So, I guess this will be my birthday present to myself as its going to expensive. I hope I get put under for this canal job-- the drills are already haunting me!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This guy is so FUNNY!

Russell Peters is hilarious. Enjoy!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 58

This has been a tough week at the gym; mentally and physically. Yesterday, Simon and I got to have a chat while everyone had already finished at the gym. He was giving me some guidance about losing weight, because he knows how desperately I want to do this. He told me that I must do other activities as well as his weight and conditioning classes. I was honest with him and told him that I haven't went for a run since the 10k. He also reminded me how important it is to switch my diet and exercise routines because my body will become to familiar with it and stop burning off fat as effectively.
All night this has been on my mind. When can I fit in my runs/ walks (because he did say that power walking can be more difficult than running)? I have realized that I need a routine. How do I break the routine of going to the gym? My gym is terribly far away, but its just what I do: leave work get on the subway for 25 minutes and go.
I'm worried. Tomorrow I will go for a run around the park. Then I plan on having some fun time at the beach with the ladies. 

Keeping changing and keep growing ^^

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 60

Holy smokes it is exactly 2 months before I'm 30! What a scary/ liberating feeling.
Scary because I had hoped I would have been further along in my weight-loss/ personal wellness journey. I know that this is truly the beginning of a life of health and happiness, so I will try not to get to hung up on that.
Liberating because I will be able to release myself from all things high school (and early university days too)! I don't hold to that as much as I used to, but I can't wait until those memories and experiences are long gone. I have built a great life. A life that I always dreamed of, and its only going to get better. I can't wait to see more of the world and really appreicaate the experiences that I make. The world is so big, I just can't get enough. I have been making great friends from all over the planet, and I can't wait to visit them in there home countries.

Cheers to 30!!

Day 61

The gym is fucking tough. Yesterday, I had to fight back tears in the middle of the work out because I was frustrated, in pain and wanted to give up. Luckily I had a partner who kept talking to me. We finished! Thank gawd. It was great practice for my mental training. I would have been more disappointed if I would have quit. While the sweat was running into my eyes and my breath was eluding me, I just began to focus on one movement at a time; hands down, feet out, push up, jump. Damn, I'm glad its over!

Workout summary: Time Circuit
10 Kettlebell pulls (10kg), 20 pulse push ups, 1 burpee
10 kettlebell pulls (8kg), 19 pulse push ups, 2 burpees
Last round: 10 KB pulls, 1 pulse push up, 20 burpees
TIME: 39:33

After we finished, I rolled around in pain and was filled with exhaustion. I FINISHED that is all I could think.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was nothing special, which is exactly what I had planned. Our apartment is a little cleaner and a little more organized and now we have a little cable TV too. On Saturday we went to a movie with a couple of friends. The new Xmen movie was much better than I ever thought it would be. We went to the Lotte cinema in Seomyeon. Lotte is one of the largest companies in Korea. This location is a huge department store with hotel and duty free shop. Our friend Yoon-mi has a Lotte credit card in which she can collect points. She shops there a lot. With this she has gained access to this VIP lounge where she can grab a coffee and a rest anytime she feels like it. So us poor folk tagged a long and enjoyed the free food. I was not dressed to be in this lounge, but I don't think it mattered and I was the only one who cared.

In the top picture is Mark and Stephany. She must have been laughing at something funny I said. Yoon-mi is in the next picture. She is the one who shops a lot to get all the points. As you can see from the background the room is cozy and comfortable. I don't think it really matters about what you wear or how you look. However, for the truly big spenders there is a fancier more exclusive lounge on one of the higher floors; unlike this one which was in the basement.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 65

I'm 2 pounds away from having a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index)!! Sweet.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Day 67

Today at the gym was awesome. We were doing a timed based workout. We don't do things for time very often, as people can get sloppy in their form and really injure themselves. Our workout today was a small circuit; Squat push-press and Burpees.
It went something like this SPP:50  B:10  SPP:40   B:20   SPP:30   B:30  SPP:20   B:40   SPP:10   B:50.  It was really hard. If you have never tried a burpee you should. Anyway my time was 23:58 with an 8kg weight for the push press. The most fit guy there did his in 19:55 so I was really happy with my time.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Long Weekend

This Monday was a national holiday. These are my favorite days in Korea. There were a lot of things going on in and around Busan. On Sunday we went to Haeundae beach. The sand festival was going on as well as the Busan International Dance Festival. The dancing was cool. There were teams from Japan, Netherlands, Mexico, US, Korea and Israel. Some were dark, some were slow and some were so energetic. The Japanese group was definitely my favorite.

The sand festival is held annually. This year the festival was much bigger. There were many childrens activities. There was also music and of course the sand castles and sand sculptures. The beach was packed so I didn't take many pictures as some one was always walking in front of me.

On Monday we traveled to Geoje island. We had heard many good things about it. We had hoped to go on a pleasure cruise through some of the smaller islands. However, they were all sold out when we got there. We went to the beach, but it was full of garbage. We had a really delicious lunch. We got on another bus and went to another bus station.
Near the bus station was a POW camp. It was fairly horrific in parts. But then again war is always horrific.
This statue is at the entrance of the park.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Open Class is Over!!

Once a year we have to open our classroom to the Principal, Vice Principal and any other people who would like to come. I'm happy to say the class went off without a hitch. The principal in her limited English thanked me for my trouble.

However, the lead up to the class was to much. Yesterday during our practice I totally bombed. The reason was that I misunderstood the direction of the game and how to play; therefore I could not begin to explain it to the kids. But this morning was much better as I understood the objectives.

 This morning we had an hour spare before the moment of truth. We spent that time preparing the classroom and needlessly freaking out. Another teacher was in the class moving the desks and shit. We spent 10 minutes shuffling the desks back and forth, back and forth. WOW.

The students came 25 minutes early!! The other teacher knew but of course I did not. The students came in and sat down and fussed and went to the bathroom and were given instructions; none of which I could follow/ understand. The kids began asking questions about me. I could only hear my name amongst the chatter. Finally, the other teacher said "They are worried about you". I guess my body language and standing idle for almost half and hour was beginning to show on the infamous Mandy face. I gave the response "I'm fine" which they all could understand.

I'm so happy this day is over! What a unnecessarily stressful day.

Today's Lesson: Learn to control the Mandy face better.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 74

Today's achievement: I resisted the ice cream! 

5kg in 75 days

That is my goal. I plan on doing something extra everyday to ensure that I will reach this goal before this body turns 30! Yes, can you believe that I will be 30? I really can't believe that the time has come already.

Wish me luck (and love)

Race Result

I finished the Dadaepo race. I was disappointed with my finish time at first but now I have decided that I did my best. My finish was 58:20. I was really glad that I finished under 1 hour. There were a number of factors that I think hindered my performance. Also I didn't practice enough on the mental aspects of the race. I really gave up at the end of the race. I also was really distracted for the last 4 kilometers and not in a good way. I really had to go to the bathroom and there was nothing in site. I was looking for a bush but there was nothing. I was thinking about going in my pants; since it was raining and I was already soaked; but I just couldn't do it. By the end I was in tears and disappointed in the way that I managed my time.

Alas, I finished! I have a time now that I can beat. I can train hard to become faster and stronger. I need to really practice the mental game ~ I can't give up so easily.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's Race Time!

Mark and I have registered for our first race! We are going to run a 10km  at Dadaepo Beach on May 22. I'm a little freaked out. I know that I can do it. Its just I have never actually competed in a race before. It will be some good motivation for my training. I will be faster and stronger.
I will be running a half marathon in July in Seoul. That has me really worried :)